Think you may have fallen for an online scam or fraud?

OnlineScamDetection provides a number of services to those who
have lost money due to various types of fraud.

We confer with our clients, start inquiries, and develop a plan of action that enables them to start the fund recovery procedure.

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    Recent Scams Investigations

    Whether they are broker scams, forex scams, cryptocurrency scams, or other forms of fraud, we look into the most recent online scam detector and assist you in finding answers.

    1. Case Assessment

      If you have been the victim of fraud, including investment fraud or schemes involving cryptocurrency and forex, report a crypto scammer, and we will thoroughly evaluate your case.

    2. Scam Broker Fund Recovery

      If your broker refuses to release your funds or has disappeared, we, as a website checker scamadviser, can guide you in the process by matching you with a fund recovery expert.

    3. Broker Complaint Process

      If your broker is not complying with terms and conditions, is slapping on extra fees or is not withdrawing your money, we provide assistance through the broker complaint process.

    1. Chargeback Process

      If you need a refund of a credit card transaction, we will guide you through the chargeback process. We refer you to experts on credit card fraud chargebacks, merchant disputes and identity theft chargebacks.

    2. Broker Withdrawal Complaints

      One sign of a scam broker is the refusal to allow withdrawal or charging high fees for doing so. How to report a crypto scammer? OnlineScamDetection will help you file a complaint to release your funds.

    3. Disappearing Broker Complaints

      Some brokers take clients’ money and disappear. How to find a scammer? OnlineScamDetection will refer you to experts who can track down the scam broker and work on the fund recovery process.

    Are You Dealing with a Suspicious Online Scam? Check a website for suspicious activity

    If you suspect you are dealing with a forex, crypto scam or any online dating crypto scam, have you requested a withdrawal or refund and not given your money back? Check website reviews and ratings, make informed decisions. Report online scammers and suspicious website immediately.

    Common Types of Online Scams

    Crypto frauds fall into hundreds or even thousands of different categories. Actually, if the perpetrators force their victims to pay with cryptocurrencies, any kind of conventional fraud may include a cryptocurrency component. The most typical cryptocurrency scams that we encounter when looking into scam detector online and interacting with our clients are listed below:

    Bitcoin Trader Scams

    One instance of a bitcoin trend trader scam is when you receive a message claiming that investing in cryptocurrency will allow you to double your money. Some of these businesses may appear to be blatantly obvious hoaxes, complete with exaggerated messaging and shoddy images and material. Some bitcoin mining scams or trader scams, on the other hand, operate behind official-looking websites and make false claims regarding licensure.

    Fake ICO Offering Scam

    Although the prospect of new coins can be thrilling, the truth is that most initial coin offerings, or ICOs, are fraudulent. An estimated 80% of them are. It is imperative to thoroughly investigate the qualifications of the individuals behind the initial coin offering prior to making an investment in a new cryptocurrency.

    Crypto Mining Scam

    Crypto mining scams target those who recognize that bitcoin mining is too complex to understand, let alone run. Crypto mining activities require the expertise of a mathematician and a computer genius. Scammers take advantage of people’s passion for crypto mining but lack a thorough understanding of how it works.

    Crypto mining scams are similar to bitcoin trading scams, however they focus on mining. In either situation, nothing is actually generated, but the entire point is to defraud others.

    Pig Butchery Scam

    Pig butchering online crypto scam have a catchy, if slightly obscene, term, but it accurately describes what happens to the funds of those who are targeted by them. Many bitcoin scammers prefer to operate rapidly. In pig butchering romance scams they aim to take your money as quickly as possible before disappearing.

    However, pig butchery scams differ. These fraudsters treat their victims nearly like sheep. They appear to be polite to them, asking them to “fatten” their accounts with false promises. Scammers may even provide false refunds to persuade potential victims that they are delivering anything authentic. However, in the end, they deplete their victims’ finances and steal from their accounts.

    The FTX exchange and Alameda Research, run by Sam Bankman-Fried, are good examples of pig slaughtering crypto scams. Bankman-Fried appeared to nurture his top clients and give them costly presents, but in the end, he was running a crypto Ponzi scheme with no actual trading taking place.

    Romance Scam

    Many people search for love online. There’s nothing wrong with it if the other individual isn’t wanting your money. Romance or online dating scams target lonely people. They develop an online relationship with them. They frequently use phony photographs of beautiful mansions, swimming pools, and antique cars to trick people into believing they have a lot of money. They might even have false photos of themselves. Regardless of their seeming prosperity, they will inevitably ask their victim for money, typically through cryptocurrency exchanges.

    Their excuses may vary. A crypto scammer romance may claim that they have a huge sum of money that has been locked down due to a mistake and that they must pay a charge to access it. They could claim to have been hacked. Unfortunately, if they’ve already sold their hearts, the other person is inclined to listen regardless of their justification. They do, however, surrender their funds to these online romance scams.

    It’s good to meet new contacts online, but if they start talking about money, avoid them. There is no reason for someone to want money if they are truly engaged in a relationship. This can be difficult to hear, but it is vital to be safe.